schematic anfd and barrier isolator lr

The Bulk Drug manufacturing industry is a phrase used to define a licensed product in bulk form, manufactured for use as an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). An Active ingredient (AI) is the ingredient in a pharmaceutical drug or a pesticide that is biologically active.

Some medications and pesticide products may contain more than one active ingredient and depending on the complexity of the molecule required and synthesis of APIs might need multi-step complex chemistry utilizing a range of processing technologies. Schematic Industries are an experienced supplier to the Bulk Drug industry, offering a wide range of world-class processing equipment technologies and solutions that meet and exceed cGMP and cGAMP.

The main manufacturers of APIs include TAPI (Teva Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients), Dr. Reddy’s, Aurobindo, Cipla, Sandoz-Lek-Biochemie, Ranbaxy, Matrix and Sun. These API giants specialise in range of API-related fields in areas such as chemical synthesis, fermentation, chromatography, plant extraction, diagnostic kits and biotechnology products.

Given the incrediable growth in the Indian API market, the 'Bulk Drug Manufacturers Association' (India) was formed in 1991. This is a body representing all the Bulk Drug manufacturers of India with Hyderabad as its Head Quarters.

The bulk drug industry is a place where drugs are produced in huge quantities and at a very large scale. The smallest of oversights can result in either potential disaster or significant revenue loss. Where failure of a single batch is a really big deal, our equipment, knowledge and quality of products can make a positive difference in how you can have guaranteed peace of mind. Some examples of the products we have (and can) manufacture for this sector include;

API and Bulk Drug Isolators

Our API and Bulk Drug Isolators include;

  • Sampling and Dispensing
  • Quality Control Check
  • Reactor Charging
  • Reactor and Distillation
  • Filtration and Drying
  • ANFD Discharge
  • Centrifuge Process
  • Milling - Multi-Milling and Jet Milling
  • Sifting or Sieving
  • Pack Off

Drying and Filtering Equipment

We offer a range of Drying and filtering equipment including;

Glass Lined Reactors

The Standard Group design and manufacture a range of Glass-Lined Reactors in a variety of materials, specifically stainless steel and carbon steel.

There are two types of ranges 'CE' and 'AE'. CE has a mono-block construction whereas AE has a two-part construction, but they are both manufactured to exacting standards and international specifications.

Dimensionally designed to DIN 28136 our modular product range permits a number of optional variations to be added to the standard configuration.

Glass Lined Receivers

The Standard Group manufacture Glass Lined Receivers to international specifications including ASME and DIN28136. The Glass-Lined Receivers are generally manufactured identical to our AE/CE Glass Lined Reactors but without the drive and agitator shaft and paddle assembly.

The AE-type design of the Glass Lined Receivers are manufactured with a capacity from 63 to 1,000 litres and the CE-type design of the Receivers have a capacity ranging from 1,600 to 16,0000 litres.

For more information contact us

Glass Lined Storage Tanks

The Standard Group manufacture Glass Lined Storage Tanks to international specifications. Standard Glass Lining Technology is part of the Standard Group and supplies Glass Lined Storage Tank designs in both vertical and horizontal models to suit site preference and physical space available.

Horizontal Glass Lined Storage Tanks have capacities ranging from 2000 to 16,000 litres and vertical designs have capacities ranging from 500 to 16,000 litres.

Our standard design can also be customised to suit client.

For more information contact us

Contact us today for full turnkey solutions.